Dry bedside enzymatic sponge for endoscope and surfaces

Pre cleaning endoscope sponges available dry or pre-saturated with PrAmLi Enzymatic Solution. Are designed to help remove gross soil on an endoscope after use, preparing the scope for next steps of cleaning and reprocessing.

Unlike other coloured sponges, our sponges are near WHITE as they will better evidence the effectiveness of the cleaning process.

Dark colours easily hide the contaminants, where with a WHITE sponge you can visually evaluate the pre-clean efficacy.

  • 100% Medical Grade High Density Foam
  • Will not flake or scratch expensive equipment
  • High absorbecy as it retains more solutions thatn convetional sponges or paper wipes
  • Compatible with Enzymatic of Disinfectant solutions or ready to use in pre-saturated version
  • Green friendly

In order to activate a pre-satured sponge you can moinsten in any 250-500ml water.
In ready to use sponge it's not needed any water.

Product selection

Ref Description Packaging
17-100 Tubolar dry sponge, white dispenser box 25 pcs
17-101 Tubolar dry sponge, bulk 560 pcs
17-200 Flat dray sponge, white dispenser box 50 pcs
17-201 Flat dray sponge, bulk 1000 pcs
17-111 Pre-satured tubolar sponge 100 pcs
17-211 Pre-satured flat sponge 200 pcs
17-311 Pre-satured wave sponge 200 pcs
17-122 Pre-satured tubolar sponge large 60 pcs
17-222 Pre-satured flat sponge large 100 pcs
17-322 Pre-satured wave sponge large 100 pcs
17-133 Tubolar sponge with 500ml of enzymatic solution 24 pcs
17-233 Flat sponge with 500ml of enzymatic solution 24 pcs
17-333 Wave sponge with 500ml of enzymatic solution 24 pcs



Enzymatic sponge data sheet